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2024 Gala Class Parties


PK3 - Play Doh Party

  • Join Mrs. Solarte and Mrs. Arredondo for a Play Doh Party with your friends on Friday May 3rd

  • Pizza and snacks will be provided

  • Immediately following early release.

  • Open to all SBS PREK 3 Students

  • Event held in Classroom

  • Pick Up your student at 3:00pm


PK4 - Indoor Camping Party

  • Join Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Garcia for an Indoor Camping Party with your friends on Friday May 3rd

  • Pizza and snacks will be provided

  • Immediately following early release.

  • Open to all SBS PREK 4 Students

  • Event held in Classroom

  • Pick Up your student at 3:00pm


Kindergarten - Sensory Party

  • Join Ms. Staiano and Mrs. Caballero for a Sensory Party with your friends on Friday May 3rd

  • Pizza and snacks will be provided

  • Immediately following early release.

  • Open to all SBS Kindergarten Students

  • Event held in Classroom

  • Pick up your student at 3:00pm


1st Grade - Play Doh Party

  • Join Mrs. Gomez and Mrs. Harris for a Play Doh Party with your friends on Friday May 3rd

  • Pizza and snacks will be provided

  • Immediately following early release.

  • Open to all SBS 1st Grade Students

  • Event held in Classroom

  • Pick Up your student at 3:00pm


2nd Grade - Neon Dance & Ice Cream Party

  • Join Mrs. Tariche and Mrs. Sardina for a Neon Dance & Ice Cream Party with your friends on Friday May 3rd

  • Pizza and snacks will be provided

  • Immediately following early release

  • Open to all SBS 2nd Grade Students

  • Event Held in Classroom

  • Pick Up your student at 3:00pm


3rd Grade - Indoor Camping Party

  • Join Mrs. Assenza and Mrs. Sulsenti for an Indoor Camping Party with your friends on Friday May 3rd

  • Pizza and snacks will be provided

  • Immediately following early release

  • Open to all SBS 3rd Grade Students

  • Event Held in Classroom

  • Pick Up your student at 3:00pm


4th & 5th Grades - Mamma Mia Pizzeria Party

  • Join your 4th and 5th Grade Teachers for a Movie & Pizza Making Party with your friends on Friday May 3rd

  • Pizza and toppings will be provided (make your own)

  • Immediately following early release

  • Open to all SBS 4th and 5th Grade Students

  • Event Held in Classroom and Cafeteria

  • Pick Up your student at 3:00pm


Middle School - Dodgeball Party

  • Join your Middle School Teachers for a friendly Dodgeball Game with your friends on Friday May 3rd

  • Bring t-shirt, shorts and sneakers to change after school

  • Pizza and snacks will be Provided

  • Immediately following early release

  • Open to all SBS Middle School Students

  • Event held in the Bonadome

  • Pick up your student at 3:00pm


Cheer Boot Camp (Grades 4-7)

  • Limited to 30 students in grades 4-7

  • Join Ms. Staiano and your friends in the Parish Center on Friday May 3rd

  • Bring t-shirt, shorts and sneakers to change after school

  • Pizza and snacks will be provided

  • Immediately following early release

  • Open to all SBS 4th thru 7th Grade SBS Students

  • Event held in the Parish Center

  • Pick up your student at 3:00pm


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