Adoration (Adoración)
Eucharistic Adoration is an affirmation of our faith. Through this vigil of prayer given to Christ who is present in the Eucharist, we give witness to our belief that God is dwelling with His people. Adoration takes place from 5 PM to 7 PM in the Church every Wednesday.
Forty Hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament occurs four times a year (inquire at the Church Office).
SP: La Adoración tiene lugar los miércoles en la iglesia 5-7 PM. La Adoración de las Cuarenta Horas tiene lugar cuatro veces al año. Jesús nos llama y dice: "Vengan a Mí todos los que están cansados y tienen dificultades en la vida y Yo los refrescare". Cada momento que lo dediques a estar en la Presencia de Su Santa Eucaristía, aumentará Su Vida Divina dentro de ti y hará más profunda tu relación personal con El. Ven a pasar un momento con El, Él te está llamando.
Eucharistic Ministers (Ministros de Eucaristía)
Jose & Amy Gutierrez
This ministry gives the opportunity to take part in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMCs) provide Communion during Mass. They also provide Communion to other places within our parish.
Members must be Catholics who have received their sacraments. If married they must have done so in the Church. Applications approved by the pastor receive a day of training by the Archdiocese. The tenure of EMCs is three years and is subject to renewal.
SP: A través de este ministerio, laicos tienen la oportunidad de participar en la Liturgia de la Eucaristía, al servir como Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión (MEC). Los MEC proporcionan la comunión durante la misa y para los que están confinados en sus hogares, así como en los hospitales, hogares de ancianos y centros de vida asistida dentro de nuestra parroquia.
Los miembros deben ser católicos que han recibido la totalidad de sus sacramentos y si casadas lo han hecho en la Iglesia. El pastor aprueba las solicitudes y los solicitantes asistirán a un día de entrenamiento de la Arquidiócesis. El término del MEC es de tres años y podrá ser renovado.
Lectors (Lectores)
Sheila Jackson
Manuel Vega
This ministry offers members of the Parish the opportunity to minister to the Parish by reading the Liturgy at Mass. A lector spreads the Good News and gives witness to the central role of the Word of God in the life of the Church. Lectors assist with the weekday, Saturday night and Sunday Masses.
SP: Este ministerio ofrece a los miembros de la Parroquia una oportunidad de servir a la Parroquia, proclamando la Palabra de Dios en la Liturgia durante las Misas. El Lector lleva la Buena Noticia y da el testimonio de que la Palabra de Dios tiene el papel fundamental en la vida de la Iglesia. Los Lectores asisten durante las misas diarias, de sábados y domingos.
Liturgical Art
Jo Lokie
The Liturgical Art Ministry cares for the interior beauty of our church. Throughout the year this ministry maintains the altar vestments that adorn the church. This includes liturgical adornments in the sanctuary like banners and flower arrangements. They also handle seasonal decorations during Christmas and Easter.
This ministry is looking for new members to help year round and during the holidays. Volunteers should expect to be called in as needed.
Lumen Dei Ministry (Latin Rite Mass)
Joe Terneus
Lumen Dei Ministry offers and promotes the Traditional Latin Mass, also known as the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. The Traditional Latin Mass embodies our humble and submissive approach to God; it manifests His infinite mercy and forgiveness to us. It is God -centered- the priest, in the person of Christ, offers to God the Sacrifice made for sins and leads the people to their Father as the good shepherd leads his sheep.
Music Ministry
Diana Johnson Jennings (Folk Group)
June Capezza (Adult Choir)
Nestor Cardenas (Gloria a Dios Choir)
This ministry provides our church with the gift of music. They welcome parishioners with musical talent to serve our Masses and special events. Several groups make up the Music Ministry. They include:
Adult Choir (Sundays at 10:30 AM)
Spanish Choir Gloria a Dios (Saturdays at 7 PM)
Folk Group (Saturdays at 5:30 PM)
Children's Choir
Teen Choir
SP: El Ministerio de Música “Gloria a Dios” es el ministerio de música en español. Nuestro objetivo principal es ofrecer la música durante las Misas en español. En éste ministerio damos a nuestros miembros formación vocal, musical, y espiritual.
Para-Liturgical Activities
Church Office
There are many ways to further enhance our religious and spiritual growth. Various para-liturgical activities occur throughout the liturgical calendar. These events include the Christmas Pageant, Passion Play, Advent Mission, and Lenten Mission.
Passion Play
Lauren Villegas
Every year volunteers come together and put on the Passion of Jesus as part of our Easter liturgy. Volunteers include adults, teens and children. Casting calls begin in January. This includes those interested in non-performance roles (audio, visual, costumes, props, etc.). Performance roles include singing, speaking, and non-speaking parts. No acting experience required.
Ushers (Ujieres)
Ushers are the first people to welcome those who come to the Celebration of the Eucharist. Other responsibilities include taking up the collection and directing the Communion procession during Mass. After Mass they distribute the parish bulletins and other materials. Volunteers are always welcome. Training provided.
SP: Ujieres son los primeros en dar la bienvenida a los que llegan a la celebración de la Eucaristía. Otras responsabilidades incluyen la toma de la colección y la dirección de la procesión de la comunión durante la misa. Después de la misa distribuyen los boletines parroquiales y otros materiales. Los voluntarios son siempre bienvenidos. Entrenamiento incluido.