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Outreach | St. Bonaventure
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Angels in Heaven

Sue McCrea


From 1998 this Support Group opened its doors to Parents, Families and Friends who have lost a Child, of any age. We meet as needed and have Father Ed’s support. In December, this ministry has a Candlelight Memorial Service.

ADOM Detention Ministry

Mary DeArmas


Alfredo Bernal


We are called, formed, and sent to release the Good News, which is able to heal and transform the hearts of those affected within the Criminal Justice System. We are serving in Broward County Sheriff's Office (BSO) facilities: Main Jail, Joseph Conte, North Broward, and Paul Rein.

Back on Track Network

Back on Track Network is a faith-based career counseling support organization that provides spiritual, motivational, and practical support to all people who are facing some kind of career challenge. It is open to all persons regardless of their type of job or stage in their career. The St. Bonaventure Chapter Meetings are held twice at month, 2nd and 4th Tuesday in the Parish Center.

Bereavement Support

Mary Sedlak


We extend a warm invitation to all who need encouragement and help with the grief process. This support group is a place to share your grief with others who are experiencing similar feelings. We are meeting on Wednesday evenings based on the requests of those who wish to attend. Please call or text for additional information.

Catholic Business Network

Do you need a dentist, CPA, or other type of service? Please consider one of our Catholic Business Network members from our online directory (cbnsfl.org).

Are you a Catholic business professional who’d like to network and do business with other Catholics in the area who share your same values and beliefs? If so, you’ll want to join us!

This is a great opportunity to become a member of a network that helps connect and promote Catholic business owners and professionals in South Florida.

Our goal is to live and spread the Faith in professional and personal lives while giving back to our community.

Justice Ministry

You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)


St. Bonaventure Justice Ministry cultivates the promotion of our Catholic Social Justice Teachings, answers the prophetic call to bring about the reign of God found in Sacred Scripture and Tradition and responds to our faith with investments in justice making with our time, talents and treasure.

Hospice Care

Catholic Hospice


Vitas Care


Are you looking for satisfaction by helping others? Can you share some special time each week with a terminally ill person? If so, Hospice Volunteering may be your answer. Other than kindness, gentleness and patience, no special skills are required. Hospice is designed to provide a caring environment for fulfilling the physical and emotional needs of the terminally ill in the home and special hospital units. Training will be provided for anyone who wants to volunteer in this ministry.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest fraternal service organization. Our four guiding principles are: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.


We support various charities, to include: Special Olympics, local food pantries, Habitat for Humanity, Respect Life Ministries, and many others.


We are extremely active in our council, church, community, family, and youth activities.

Knights of Columbus - Columbiettes

Donna Weddington



A unified body of Catholic women who work side-by-side with the Knights of Columbus. Membership is open to any Catholic woman from age 18. Members are active in many ministries that serve St. Bonaventure Catholic Church. Please consider joining our Auxiliary.

Adult Lending Library

Damary Lebron


Come and browse in the parish Lending Library located in the Parish Center. Religious materials are available for reading and viewing, including a great selection of books in Spanish. The library is based on the honor system; instructions for borrowing material are posted. Forms are available for donations to enable the purchase of a book in honor of a special event or in memory of a loved one. The library is open whenever the Parish Center is open.

Men's Organization

Esteban Nunez


The Men's Organization welcomes the men of St. Bonaventure that are at least 18 years old. This ministry is committed to supporting the Church, school and community by taking over the responsibilities that range from decorating the church, applying mulch, to golf and fishing outings. We also help keep the grounds clean and tidy.

We hold monthly Friday night dinners, and host the Oktoberfest, and St. Patrick’s Day celebrations just to name a few of our events. This ministry is also present behind the scenes of many other occasions for the Church and school including “Family Festival” and the annual Gala.

Respect Life (Respeto a la Vida)

Ximena Terneus


Raquel Rios


This is a ministry committed to respond to all issues to promote respect for the dignity of the human person. That includes all those who are defenseless and most vulnerable: the unborn, the elderly, the incurably ill, the marginalized, the children and youth. This service includes pastoral support for those in crisis pregnancies or post abortion reconciliation (Project Rachel); education of the community on reproduction, abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and capital punishment issues; being active in developing public policy that respects human life.

SP: Con el aumento de abortos en el Condado Broward y la necesidad de educar, trabajar y crear conciencia en la comunidad Hispana nace el Ministerio Respeto a la Vida en nuestra parroquia. El Ministerio Respeto a la Vida se reúne el primer Sábado de cada mes de 8:30 a 9:30 am frente a la Gruta de la Virgen.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

SVDP Email


This ministry exists to reach out to those members of the community who find themselves in physical or financial need. We attempt to provide services to needy families regardless of religion, race or beliefs. All help is provided with strict confidentiality.

Visits to the Sick

Church Office


If you know someone who is sick, can't leave home, or is hospitalized: visits can be made and Holy Communion can be brought to them.

SP: Si usted sabe de alguien que está enfermo y no puede salir de su casa o está hospitalizado, llame a la oficina de la parroquia al: (954)424-9504. Nuestro Ministerio a los Enfermos visita a los enfermos y les lleva la Sagrada Comunión. Tiene tiempo libre para compartir con los que están solo, enfermo o en el hospital? Únase a nosotros para orar y rodear de amor a los que lo necesitan.

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